A guide on the Managed dedicated server
Onlive Server is a provider of the best-dedicated server services to various eCommerce and online businesses. A managed dedicated server is a hosting infrastructure. Whereby a client leases a server that runs on the Windows operating system. When fully connected to the server, the client has permission to use this server for anything. The server can be dedicated entirely to business. This means that the client can host an unlimited amount of websites. Websites that are developed with Microsoft technologies must be hosted with a Windows server.
Managed Dedicated Servers are chosen for their high performance
Dedicated servers like Windows are usually chosen by businesses looking to have all the resources, superior security, and privacy. This is the right option for websites that expect high traffic. Managed servers were very expensive at some point when compared to various other servers. This is because the other options are shared servers whereby the expenses are shared among clients. But in the case of managed dedicated servers, a single entity does all the work.
Recommended for Small/medium businesses
However, due to a lot of technological and increasing competition from other service providers, the server has become more affordable. Due to its affordability, many hosting companies offer cheap plans for businesses to get the best-dedicated servers for their websites. These plans are affordable and are also scaled to suit the size of the business. One thing about such servers is that they can be adjusted to suit the growth of your business.
Managed dedicated servers create for everyone
One of the best benefits of Windows technology is the fact that it works well for all languages and with all systems. If you have websites is develop with MySQL and PHP. You also get to abuse any available hosting plan for the Managed dedicated servers. However, Linux does not work well with Windows technologies and this can interrupt both the performance and the service.
Easy access to the best technologies
People who use Managed servers will have clear access to high-quality technologies. Such as Microsoft SharePoint, Windows Streaming Media, Visual Intersection, and many more useful system utilities. There are hosting providers that have special plans that come with superior tools for business email communication.
Due to its premium features and authenticity. People looks to their websites hosted by Windows. It will have to pay a good amount of money for the hosting service. The server own Microsoft and product sold commerce to customers. Who will need to buy a license for it. This license grants them permission to use the server. It is important to note that the hosting providers will usually add their fee to the general cost of the plan. This is why such a service can be relatively expensive.
Features that the Managed dedicated server gives to you.
Total administrative control: If you get manage power hosting for your business. You will get direct permission to access the server. Whereas people who use Linux usually access their servers. Through the SSH, people who use the Managed Dedicated Server will grante access through the Remote Desktop. This means that you can install any type of software/application that you find useful for the company. If you opt for the Managed dedicated server, you can do practically anything with your network.
Total privacy and seclusion: Unlike other options, the Windows servers cones with hardware. That built with robust materials and technology. Moreover, the hardware house in data centers that are completely redundant and highly secured. With the managed dedicated server, users usually get anti-malware solutions, constant antivirus scans, and firewalls. These protective measures ensure that you have a server that properly protected. All clients will assure of the 100% safety of their data as people only need their permission to access data stored in the servers.
Managed dedicated servers provide unmatched reliability
If you host your website with a managed dedicated server. You will be depending on a reliable provider to power the tour website. This means that you will have a website that has all the resources it needs to perform. This means that your website is now able to compete functionally with other websites out there. People who opt for the dedicated servers will given a dedicated IP address. They will also be provided with a systems control panel. This helps them to manage their account. One thing that is so reliable about this server is that the host ensures that all businesses are up and running 99.95% of the time. It is usually the responsibility of the service providers to ensure that clients get a 99.95% network uptime.
Continuous Technical support
One of the amazing benefits of choosing the Best Cheap VPS is the fact that you will be getting 24/7 technical support. There nothing compare to the feeling you get when you able to reach someone when you caught up in a tight spot due to your server. This is why you need 24/7 constant support from your company. People who work with severs know how important these network devices are. They are delicate infrastructures that act up and go bad a lot of times. In this case, you need a dedicated customer support service that will help customers to resolve their problems. Just in case something happens and you have to make certain changes, you should try and contact somebody to speak with. You need to speak with this representative about any trouble that you might have.
The managed dedicated server service is provided by the Onlive server. They offer one of the cheapest and most reliable dedicated server services for eCommerce stores and online businesses.